Lead Water Service Replacement Grant

Lead service water line copper 2.jpg

The Public Works and Neighborhood Services departments are developing a program to replace lead water service lines with copper water service lines. A free replacement program is being offered to individuals who may not be able to afford it through conventional means.

There is no cost to participate in the program for those who qualify. Replacement is funded by the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. An existing lead or galvanlized steel water pipe will be replaced with a 1" copper pipe. The Village will hire the contractor and oversee the work, which is typically completed in one day. 

In order to qualify for participation in the program, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Verify that the owner side service line is made of lead or galvanized material. If you are unsure, check the Village's Lead Service Inventory Dashboard or click here(PDF, 9MB) to view information on how to identify a lead water service pipe.
  2. Household income does not exceed program limits. An income table is pictured below.

 2025 Income limit chart.png