Block Parties and Sales


The Village has long encouraged block parties as a way to build community spirit, meet neighbors and have fun.

Each block is limited to two events. The event can be a block party, a block sale or a combination of both. The total number of events is limited to 30 per weekend. A block party and/or block sale request must include the appropriate petition signed by at least 10 separate addresses on the block, or a majority of residents on a smaller block.

Request a Block Party or Sale Date

Applications will soon be accepted for the 2025 season, which will run from April 19 through October 31:

  • A block party requires a petition signed by at least 10 separate addresses on the block, or a majority of residents on a smaller block - 2025 block party petition form coming soon
  • A block party requires a petition signed by at least 10 separate addresses on the block, or a majority of residents on a smaller block - 2025 block sale petition form coming soon
  • A combination block party/block sale requires completed petitions for both events
  • A block sale requires a petition with signatures from 75 percent of residences on both sides of the street
  • Petitions for a block party or sale must be returned at least two weeks before the desired event date

The Village will drop off street barricades on the day before an approved event - or on Friday if it is a weekend event - and pick them up afterward.

Block event application form coming soon 

General Block Party Rules & Guidelines

  • Parties may start at 9 a.m., but must not continue past 11 p.m. and noise levels must not disturb residents at any time.
  • Due to public safety and traffic considerations, east/west streets may not be closed for block parties.
  • So that emergency vehicles can have passage, be sure all tables, chairs and other items placed on the street do not project more than six feet from the curb. A good guideline is to keep within the area next to the curb that is used for parking.
  • Provide adequate supervision of children at all times.
  • Do not stretch wires, ropes, nets, lights, banners and other items across the street. These could prevent access by emergency vehicles.
  • Use only removable barricades provided by the Village to block the street. Do not use a parked car as a barricade. Alleys may not to be barricaded or used for parties.
  • Do not obstruct public sidewalk or public way with barricades, ropes or other objects.
  • Use only chalk for street and sidewalk art.
  • Alcohol is only to be consumed on private property and may not be sold during the block party.
  • Block parties are limited to 30 per weekend on a first come, first serve basis.

Green Block Party Information

Encourage everyone to help make your block party a green event. For zero-waste event, produce less than 10 percent landfill waste. This means 90 percent of waste produced at the block party will either be recyclable or compostable.

By signing up for a Green Block Party, residents receive a Green Block Party Kit that includes: one 55-gallon compostable green bag, one 55-gallon clear bag for recyclables, one black 55-gallon trash bag, and three event boxes for trash, recycle and compost. Additional bags may need to be purchased by the organizer. Green block party kits can be re-used multiple times if handled gently. 

Sign up for a Green Block party using the form above in the "Request a Block Party" section. 

Go for Green Tips:

  • Buy products that can be composted recycled to minimize waste
  • Use compostable serveware and utensils instead of disposable foam or plastic
  • Consider packaging before buying or ordering food items
  • Choose locally grown foods and services
  • Bring gray composting and blue recycling carts to the street to sort and collect waste

Not sure if items are recyclable? Refer to the list of accepted recyclables at

For more information, call 708.358.5700 or email