Environment & Energy Commission

Mission: The Environment & Energy Commission promotes energy efficiency and energy conservation, works for a pollution-free environment in Oak Park, and develops methods to promote recycling and to reduce and manage solid waste.

Membership: 9 members

Qualifications: One member may be a high school student.

Length of Term: 3 years

Meeting Schedule: Meets at 7 p.m., the first Tuesday of each month at Village Hall, 123 Madison St. If you require assistance to participate in any Village program or activity, contact the ADA Coordinator at 708.358.5430 or e-mail adacoordinator@oak-park.us at least 48 hours before the scheduled activity.

Public statements of up to three minutes will be read into the record at the meeting. Individuals should email statements to sustainability@oak-park.us to be received no later than 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. If email is not an option, you can drop comments off in the Oak Park Payment Drop Box across from the entrance to Village Hall, 123 Madison St., to be received no later than the day prior to the meeting.

Work Plan: Environment & Energy Commission 2024 Work Plan(PDF, 88KB)

Meeting Documents Archive

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