
The Village of Oak Park's Office of Adjudication hears a wide range of cases involving violations of municipal ordinances that were once heard in the Cook County Circuit Court.

The process strives to expedite resolutions, reduce litigation expenses and offer greater convenience for residents and visitors who wish to contest a ticket or other citation.

Hearings are held at Village Hall, 123 Madison St.

The information on this page merely summarizes procedures. The complete rules and regulations, together with the Village of Oak Park Municipal Code, are available for review at Village Hall.

Types of Cases Heard

An administrative hearing is a civil, not a criminal proceeding. Cases are punishable by fines and a variety of other penalties, excluding jail time.

Under the administrative hearing system, an Administrative Law Judge, not the Village entity that issued the ticket, complaint or notice of violation, hears cases. Law Judges, all of whom are experienced attorneys, are required to undergo state-mandated training to be professional, fair and courteous.

The Office of Adjudication hears, or may hear in the future, the following types of cases:

  • Police issued tickets
  • Fire code violations
  • Parking tickets
  • Public passenger vehicle violations
  • False advertising/deceptive practices
  • Unlicensed businesses
  • Overflowing garbage dumpsters
  • Unsanitary food businesses
  • Outdated food products
  • Village recycling violations
  • Lead paint in buildings with minors
  • Zoning violations
  • Animal leash violations
  • Bicycle tickets
  • Compliance tickets

For more information about the adjudication program call 708-358-5479 or e-mail This email address may not be used to contest a parking ticket.

Hearings Procedure

A Village inspector, parking enforcement officer, investigator or police officer may issue a ticket or notice of violation, or file a complaint against an individual. A case also may be initiated following a citizen or community complaint.

If you receive a citation, complaint or notice of violation ordering you to appear at a hearing before the Office of Adjudication, you or your representative must be present on the date and time specified. If English is not your first language, you must bring someone to assist you.

A parking citation will give you an option to request a hearing. If you choose to request a hearing, follow the instructions for requesting a hearing stated on your citation. You also may contest a parking citation in writing or online without appearing in person.

Who Must Appear

The individual contesting charges may represent him or herself, hire an attorney to represent you at your own expense or, in some instances, have an authorized representative attend the hearing on your own behalf. Your representative may be an employee or agent.

In vehicle boot or impoundment hearings, the registered owner of the vehicle must appear, unless a notarized affidavit permitting a representative to appear is submitted.

In certain police cases, such as drinking on a public way or disorderly conduct, the accused must appear in person, without exception.

A continuance is not allowed unless the Administrative Law Judge finds good cause. Lack of preparation is not considered good cause.

If you or your representative fail to appear for a scheduled hearing, or if you do not respond to a parking citation issued to you within 14 days, you are in default, and may be found liable in your absence. You will then be subject to any fines or penalties.

If you are in default on a matter other than a parking citation, you have 21 days to request a new hearing. To request a new hearing, file a Motion to Vacate form, which is available at the Office of Adjudication. The form must be filed in person between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the Office of Adjudication, Village Hall, 123 Madison St.

At the time of filing your request, you will be scheduled for a hearing. If you are in default on a parking citation you do not need to request a hearing. You will automatically receive a hearing date when you must appear if you wish to challenge the default judgment. At the hearing, the Administrative Law Judge will rule on your request. If your request is granted, you will be expected to proceed with your hearing immediately after the ruling.

Attending a Hearing

Hearings are conducted in the Council Chambers at Village Hall, 123 Madison St. A clerk outside the hearing room will have a list of hearings scheduled for that day. All hearings start promptly at the time indicated on the notice.

It is recommended that you arrive in the hearing room a few minutes early. Once you enter the hearing room, please sit down until your case is called. Cell phone usage, audio and video equipment, newspapers, magazines, food, drink and chewing gum are not allowed in the hearing room. Proper conduct must be maintained at all times. Disruptive people will be removed from the hearing room and risk having their cases heard without them.

The Decision

After both sides have been heard, the Administrative Law Judge will determine whether you are liable based on the evidence presented. If you are found liable, fines, penalties and costs may be imposed according to the guidelines set forth in the Village Code.

The Administrative Law Judge's decision will be in the form of a written document you receive at the end of your hearing. Please ensure you receive a copy of your decision.

All fines are payable to the Village of Oak Park. Payments can be made at the Cashier's Office near the south entrance of Village Hall.

If you disagree with the Administrative Law Judge's decision, you have 35 days to appeal the decision to the Circuit Court of Cook County, Maywood, Illinois.

Written & Online Parking Tickets Appeals

Illinois law and local ordinance allow parking tickets to be contested in writing. Written appeals should include all evidence you wish to be considered, such as pictures and documents. A written or online appeal must be received no later than 14 days after the date the ticket was issued. You will be notified of the judgment within three weeks. Appeal or pay a parking ticket online.

Parking Ticket Payment Plans

Some vehicle owners with outstanding parking fines may be allowed to request payment plans. The typical payment plan involves fines in excess of $500, allows payments to be made over a six-month period and charges a $2 monthly administrative fee. Longer payment plans may be available in special circumstances.

Only the registered owner of a vehicle may enter into a payment plan.

Owners of vehicles that have been immobilized (booted or towed) or that have had their licenses suspended are not eligible to enter into a payment plan.

Individuals who fail to successfully complete a payment plan will be responsible for the balance of the citations due, any administrative fees and a $100 default penalty. Immobilization or license suspension procedures also may be initiated, if applicable.

Payment plan requests must be submitted in person to the Office of Adjudication, Oak Park Village Hall, 123 Madison St. For more information, call 708.358.5630.