Government access channel VOP-TV provides the citizens of Oak Park with information about their government, community and quality of life. VOP-TV is available to cable television subscribers on Comcast channel 6 and AT&T Uverse channel 99. Village Board meetings, information about Oak Park governmental services and original public information programming are broadcast.
VOP-TV is not intended for use as a political forum by any individual or group, or as a mechanism for building exclusive support for a particular person, program or issue. Advertising is not accepted
Public Access & Education Television
Under Oak Park's cable television franchise agreement, Comcast channel 19 is the public access channel reserved as a public forum for individuals, groups and organizations such as not-for-profit entities.
The cable franchise holder provides portable cameras, editing equipment and a studio at a regional location. Residents and employees of non-profit organizations based in Oak Park can become qualified users of public access by taking classes offered by the cable company.
In addition, community events sponsored by local organizations can be listed on the bulletin board message system that scrolls on the public access channel whenever there is no programming. For more information about public access, visit www.accesschannel.com. Channel 16 is the educational access channel and is reserved for use by schools.
Watch VOP-TV on YouTube
VOP-TV programming reaches audiences far beyond local cable television subscribers via its YouTube channel - www.youtube.com/vopnews.