Community Policing
The Oak Park Police Department operates under a community policing strategy. Oak Park Deputy Chief Roderick Robinson currently oversees community policing and serves as the point of contact for Oak Park’s eight neighborhood zones and for the additional community policing programming.
Community Policing zone contact information
The Residential Beat Officer Program is currently on hold as the department undergoes a transition in programming.
For questions or concerns within your zone, please see the contact information listed on the map or underneath the headings below. You can also subscribe to your neighborhood zone email list by clicking the link within each heading below.
Zone 1 - North/Chicago/Ridgeland/Austin
Zone 2 - North/Chicago/Harlem/Ridgeland
Zone 3 - Chicago/North Boulevard/Harlem/Austin
Zone 4 - South Boulevard/Madison/Oak Park/Austin
Zone 5 - South Boulevard/Eisenhower/Harlem/OakPark
Zone 6 - Madison/Eisenhower/Oak Park/Austin
Zone 7 - Eisenhower/Roosevelt/East/Austin
Zone 8 - Eisenhower/Roosevelt/Harlem/East
District Map
2024 Zone Map(PDF, 2MB)