Landlord-Tenant Handbook

This handbook is intended for those who rent or own one of Oak Park’s more than 10,000 housing units. The goal of the handbook is to provide basic information about the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords, and to help make apartment living in Oak Park an enjoyable experience.

Owners, agents, landlords and managers also can use this handbook to help develop policies and procedures for maintaining and upgrading rental property, as well as better understand the fair housing and human rights expectations in Oak Park.

The Village of Oak Park supports the needs of tenants and landlords through the Community Relations Department, which is responsible for enforcing fair housing standards and responding to discrimination complaints. The Department also offers advice on solving interpersonal conflicts between tenants and landlords, including free mediation services provided by trained staff. Learn more about the Community Relations Division and its services by email at or by telephone at 708.358.5405.

Considerations for Condo Renters and Owners

Many apartments for rent in Oak Park are units in condo buildings. Renting a condo requires specific considerations and precautions. Condos are unique because while they share the same physical building with other units, the condo itself is designated as an individual property. This separately regulated shared space can create issues that are difficult for an owner who cannot act as a typical landlord. The owner/landlord does not have authority over other units and also is bound by the bylaws of the condo association. Both potential renters and owner/landlords should review the terms of the association’s bylaws to understand the legal parameters of the property. Potential renters should be aware that unlike apartment building managers, many condo owners are not professionals and that they have limited enforcement powers, such as handling complaints about noisy neighbors. Regardless of the challenges of condo renting, both the renter and owner/landlord are expected to uphold renting standards included in this handbook. The Community Relations Department is available to discuss responsibilities and obligations related to renting a condo. Renters and owner/landlords also may seek information and assistance from the Condo Network Association of Oak Park at 708.386.6061 ext. 123.


This handbook provides the fundamentals of rental agreements and landlord-tenant relations. Since it is impossible to outline all possible situations, readers may wish to consult an attorney. Unless specifically stated, the ideas and alternatives presented here are not necessarily those required by the Village of Oak Park and/or the State of Illinois. Statutory materials referred to in the text should be examined by an individual’s own legal counsel as to their current status. The Village of Oak Park assumes no responsibility for actions individuals take as a result of using the material presented in this handbook.