Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The Village of Oak Park has comprehensive procedures, instructions and forms for obtaining public records under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act.

All requests to inspect, copy or certify public records must be submitted in writing using the online form below or the hard copy form(PDF, 141KB). The Village will respond to each properly written request within five business days after receipt of the request.

FOIA Request Portal

Copy Fees

Physical copies of public records will be provided only upon payment of the applicable fee:

  • First 50 pages are free - 15 cents per each additional page or side of a page
  • Fees are for 8.5 inch x 11 inch, 8.5 inch x 14 inch and 11 inch x 17 inch pages only
  • DVDs, such as copies of Village Board meeting videos, are $1 each
  • Copies of materials in sizes or types other than indicated here are charged at the actual reproduction costs

Copies of public records will not be mailed except upon prepayment of a fee equal to the actual cost of postage and copying. A $1 fee is charged to certify a public record.

FOIA Officers

All notices and other communications relating to a request to inspect, copy or certify public records and all requests for any other information relating to the Village's implementation of the Illinois Freedom of Information Act are directed via the application process as follows:

Primary FOIA Officer
Christina Waters
Village Clerk
123 Madison St.
Oak Park, IL 60302

FOIA Officer
To be announced

Police Department FOIA Officer
Police Records Supervisor
Oak Park Police Department
123 Madison St.
Oak Park, IL 60302

Electronic Public Records Notice

All forms of electronic communication sent to the Village become public records subject to release under the Illinois Freedom of Information Act. By sending information electronically to the Village, you are automatically agreeing that the information may be made public.

Questions about FOIA Matters

Questions about FOIA matters should be directed to the Village’s Primary FOIA Officer, Village Clerk Christina M. Waters at or 708.358.5670.