Weekly Report

Past Reports

Week Ending February 14, 2025

Meetings scheduled for next week:

  • Monday, February 17:
    • Village Hall closed for Presidents Day
  • Tuesday, February 18
    • Village Board meeting, 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers
  • Wednesday, February 19:
    • Community Relations Commission, 6 p.m. in Room 101
    • Housing Programs Advisory Committee, 7 p.m. in Room 102
  • Thursday, February 20:
    • Citizens Police Oversight Committee, 7 p.m. in Room 124
  • Friday, February 21:
    • No meetings scheduled

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E.C.H.O. team meets with Fire Department – The Engaging Communities for Healthy Outcomes (E.C.H.O.) team met with the Fire Department this week to introduce the new initiative and share details about the program. The meeting marks one of the first steps in integrating E.C.H.O. into the Village's emergency response processes, aiming to enhance services and support for the Oak Park community. More information about E.C.H.O. is available on the Village website at www.oak-park.us/ECHO.

Exciting code compliance achievements – The Neighborhood Services Department’s Code Compliance Division is dedicated to addressing abandoned properties in Oak Park. Through persistent enforcement efforts and legal processes, the Village’s housing inspectors have successfully brought many properties into compliance, improving the overall appearance and quality of living for the community. The code compliance team is pleased to share some success stories reflecting significant improvements – click here for before-and-after transformations. Code Compliance Manager Tina Brown and the rest of the team appreciate the community’s support in ensuring safe and well-maintained residential properties throughout Oak Park. For more information about code compliance in Oak Park, visit www.oak-park.us/code-compliance or email propertyissues@oak-park.us.

Record-breaking year for hotel/motel tax collection – The Village collected more than $300,000 in hotel/motel taxes in 2024, marking the highest total on record and an 18% increase compared to 2023. The revenue comes from a 4% local tax paid by guests who stay in Oak Park’s local hotel, bed and breakfast and short-term rental establishments. With construction for a new Holiday Inn Express on Lake Street in progress and other signs of Oak Park tourism strengthening, Village officials anticipate the tax revenue will continue to grow in 2025.

Online survey for streetscape project honoring Dr. Julian – An online survey is now available for community members who would like to provide input related to the proposed creation of a Dr. Percy L. Julian District along Chicago Avenue. The survey and more information about the initiative can be found at www.engageoakpark.com/julian-streetscape. Community input is an important part of the streetscape design process along the Chicago Avenue corridor, which would include site features and outdoor exhibits that tell the story of Dr. Julian’s life.

Strong turnout for Black History Month Celebration – The Village hosted its third annual Black History Month Celebration on Feb. 8 at the Nineteenth Century Charitable Association. The sold-out event featured speakers, performers, interactive activities, music and more while highlighting the 2025 Black History Month theme: African Americans and Labor. Click here to view a recording of the event.

Economic Vitality Strategy community engagement – Village staff and Camoin Associates hosted an open house Wednesday at the Main Library for community members interested in learning more about the development of the Village’s Economic Vitality Strategic Plan. The open house presented the preliminary framework, priorities and objectives of the Economic Vitality Strategic Plan. Reactions to the draft priorities and objectives were positive. Guests appreciated the community survey that helped inform this work and the concerted effort to build upon existing plans and past engagement. The project team received input around collaborating with key partners to enhance small business support services, improving transparency and clarity around Village plans and processes – particularly when it comes to reinvestment in the community – and allocating additional resources to public health and safety. Individuals who are interested in viewing and providing feedback on the open house materials can do so at www.engageoakpark.com/economic-vitality-strategy through Feb. 21.

Know Your Rights Immigration Workshop at Village Hall – The Village is partnering with the Greater Chicago Legal Clinic to host a series of free workshops that will focus on immigration issues in and around the community. The first workshop will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18 in Room 101 at Village Hall. The workshop is free, open to the public and no registration is required. Additional workshops in the series are still being planned. More information about dates, times, locations and topics will be shared by the Village once finalized. Visit www.oak-park.us/KnowYourRights for more information.

Transportation Commission continues Bike Plan discussion – The Village’s Transportation Commission will continue its discussion of the draft of the Oak Park Bike Plan at its 7 p.m. meeting on Monday, Feb. 24 at Village Hall, 123 Madison St. The draft plan can be reviewed at www.engageoakpark.com/bike-plan. The ongoing discussion follows months of gathering feedback from the community and analyzing data. Members of the community who would like to provide feedback on the proposed bike plan update can do so by providing public comment at the Feb. 24 Transportation Commission meeting or via email to transportation@oak-park.us.

Historic Preservation Commission Speaker Series returns – Join the Historic Preservation Commission for a presentation titled “Saving Wright from Oak Park to Tokyo” at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 27 in Room 101 at Village Hall. John H. Waters, Programs Director for the Frank Lloyd Wright Building Conservancy, will be the featured guest in this latest installment of the HPC Speaker Series as he highlights the Conservancy’s work in the Chicago area, around the United States and outside the country. The presentation will take place prior to the HPC’s regular monthly meeting. Find more information about the HPC Speaker Series, including recordings of past events, at www.oak-park.us/speakerseries.  

Emergency warming center opening Sunday – With frigid temperatures in the forecast early next week, the Village’s emergency warming center will be in operation during overnight hours at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, 611 Randolph St. The warming center will operate from 7 p.m. to 8 a.m. starting Sunday through Wednesday morning. More information about warming centers and cold weather safety is available on the Village website at www.oak-park.us/coldweathersafety.

Village Hall closed Monday for Presidents Day – Village Hall will be closed on Monday, Feb. 17 in observance of Presidents Day. The refuse and recycling collection schedule will not be affected by the holiday and will occur as regularly scheduled next week. Should an incident that doesn't quite rise to the level of a 911 call occur when Village Hall is closed, call the Police non-emergency number 708.386.3800 for assistance.

Physical activity key to heart health – February is American Heart Month, and the Oak Park Public Health Department is highlighting ways to maintain a healthy heart. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, but you can take steps to reduce your risk. One way to increase heart health is to maintain regular physical activity, which can be as simple as going for a walk with a friend or while listening to music. Oak Park residents can walk the indoor track for free at the Park District of Oak Park’s Community Recreation Center at 229 Madison St., a warmer option during the winter months. Find more heart health tips at www.oak-park.us/heartmonth.

Artists sough for Sculpture Walk – The Oak Park Area Arts Council is seeking artists to temporarily display their work in the 2025-26 Oak Park Sculpture Walk. The deadline for submissions is March 7, 2025. Plans call for 18 sculpture or installation works to be part of the outdoor exhibits in the Oak Park Arts District and Downtown Oak Park Business District from May 9 through April 10, 2026. Click here for the application packet.

Jazz Thaw returns to Downtown Oak Park in March – Jazz Thaw, the Downtown Oak Park Business Alliance’s annual two-day jazz music festival, returns March 8-9. The free event, which is held in partnership with WDCB-FM 90.9, will feature a diverse group of renowned jazz musicians at more than 10 locations in the Downtown Oak Park Business District. Seating is first come, first served and guests are encouraged to order off the menu at each location. Ken Scott, WDCB’s Director of Marketing and Fundraising, said this year’s event will have something for everyone with Latin, Brazilian and straight-ahead jazz, jazz with vocals and instrumental jazz. More information is at www.downtownoakpark.net/event/jazz-thaw.

Informational seminar on home ownership – The Oak Park Area Association of REALTORS is hosting a free informational seminar on home ownership from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 19 in the Veterans Room at the Oak Park Public Library, 834 Lake St. A panel of local experts will be discussing financing approaches, including down payment resources and assistance programs. Registration is suggested but not required. Go to https://shorturl.at/L7JvA to register.