Planning & Urban Design

The Village of Oak Park works to maintain the character of the community by managing change through the Comprehensive Plan and business district plan recommendations. The Village also regulates development of private property through the Zoning Ordinance and Sign Code.

Planned Developments

Major developments seeking relief from regulations are managed through a precise application and public hearing process. This Planned Unit Development process(PDF, 382KB) is applied to larger developments within the Village.

An applicant for a Planned Development typically is seeking relief from some aspect of the Zoning Ordinance such as height or set-back requirements. The applicant must demonstrate that the Village will receive compensating benefits in return for zoning relief. Conditions are negotiated between the landowner and the Village Board on a case-by-case basis.

Planned Development Application Review

Copies of Planned Development applications and all related documents are available for public inspection during regular business hours of 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, at Village Hall, 123 Madison St.

Applications are reviewed in public hearings to determine whether proposed projects comply with the Planned Development and Special Use standards, and are aligned with the Village's Comprehensive Plan. Residents are invited to attend and comment.

Commenting on Planned Development Applications

Written comments may be submitted through regular mail to the attention of the Village Planner, 123 Madison St., Oak Park, IL 60302, or via e-mail to

The hearing process generally follows a specific order, but may be modified as determined appropriate by the chairperson of the hearing body. For detailed information on the Plan Commission ’s procedures, please read the Rules of Procedure(PDF, 120KB).

Neighborhood Notices

Property owners within 300 feet of a proposed project are notified by mail of projects for which public hearings have been scheduled under the Planned Development process.

Anyone beyond the general public wishing to cross-examine witnesses must complete and file either an Interested Party Appearance Form(PDF, 53KB) or Attorney Appearance Form(PDF, 53KB) bearing an original signature the Office of the Village Clerk in Village Hall, 123 Madison St., no later than 5 p.m. on the business day preceding the public hearing.