The Village of Oak Park | 123 Madison St.  Oak Park, IL 60302 |

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Lawn sprinkling, water heating systems require backflow preventers

As Oak Parkers get ready to put their lawn sprinkling systems back online for the season, they are reminded that federal, state and local regulations require a device that prevents any water from flowing back into and possibly contaminating the municipal water supply.

Cross connections between in-home devices and the public water supply typically are protected by a valve called a backflow preventer. Property owners are required at their own expense to have these valves installed and checked annually. Most plumbing contractors can install backflow preventers and are certified to test them.

But it is not just water irrigation systems that require backflow-prevention valves. Residential backflow preventers typically are found on systems for filling swimming pools and water features, and on fire sprinkler systems. If your heat is supplied by radiators, the hot water boiler should have a backflow preventer, too, as should a water softener. Toilets, bathtubs, sinks, hot water heaters and other standard plumbing fixtures do not require backflow preventers.

For more information, call 708.358.5700 or email

Water quality report is online…Oak Park residents interested in knowing about the quality of the water they drink need go no further than to read the latest report. Each year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency requires communities to prepare a Consumer Confidence Report that provides information on the quality of the local drinking water. In addition to detailed analyses of substances in the water, the report also includes facts about the community’s drinking water delivery system and source, which is Lake Michigan for Oak Park. The Village is dedicated to supplying drinking water that meets or exceeds all state and federal standards. An archive of past water quality reports is posted at For more information on Oak Park’s drinking water or if you would like a paper copy of the annual water report, call 708.358.5700 or email

Watering restrictions in effect…As part of the interstate compact for preserving the Great Lakes, summer watering restrictions are in effect May 15 through Sept. 15. Outdoor water use is limited Mondays through Fridays to even-numbered street addresses on even-numbered days, and to odd-numbered addresses on odd-numbered days. Newly planted grass seed, sod, trees and shrubs are exempt from the restrictions for their first 30 days of growth. Call 708.358.5700 or email for more information.