Neighborhood Clean-Up Program

Keep Oak Park Beautiful is an initiative that encourages residents to participate in the beautification of Oak Park. Residents and not-for-profit organizations located in Oak Park can make an impact in the community by organizing a neighborhood clean-up event. It takes a Village to protect the planet and Keep Oak Park Beautiful!

Through the Neighborhood Clean-Up Program, the Village will provide a maximum of 10 heavy duty trash bags, 10 pairs of gloves and 10 pink refuse stickers.

The Village will make available 10 brooms and 10 shovels on a first-come, first-served basis. The brooms and shovels will be picked up from the organizer's location the Monday after the clean-up event.

Organizing a Successful Neighborhood Clean-Up Event

  • Assemble a team. Talk to neighbors and sign up volunteers. You may want to assign tasks, such as: picking up litter, holding the trash bag, traffic control, sweeping, serving snacks, supervising small children, or offering space in a refuse cart or recycling bin.
  • Set the date - Provide an alternative date in the event of rain.
  • Promote the event. Let all neighbors sharing the alley know about the clean-up.
  • Prepare your headquarters. Have a table and chairs, trash bags, refuse stickers, gloves, brooms, a bucket with water, towels, first aid kit and a cell phone in case of emergency.
  • Review clean up goals and safety guidelines with the clean-up team.
  • Stay on Track. If you planned to complete the event in an allotted time, be aware of your deadline.
  • Share the workload. Watch for someone who may be overdoing it or becoming tired - perhaps that person could be redirected to a less physical task.
  • Have fun. Some Oak Parkers hold block parties in the alley with part of the day used for clean-up projects. Take pictures of your clean-up event.
  • Proper trash disposal. Use one pink garbage sticker for each bag that does not fit into your trash can.
  • Get social. Take photos of the clean-up event and share using #oakparkcleanup

Neighborhood Clean-Up Safety Guidelines

Review these guidelines with the clean-up team before the event.

  1. Provide a wash station, hand sanitizer and first aid kit.
  2. Always wear gloves, especially when handling broken glass, metal objects or pieces of wood.
  3. Assign someone to supervise small children.
  4. Wear sturdy closed toe shoes and comfortable, bright colored clothing that cover arms and legs.
  5. Apply insect repellent and sunscreen.
  6. Stay at least five feet from the edge of the road.
  7. Stay clear of any construction
  8. Stop work in inclement weather
  9. Drink plenty of fluids- take breaks- avoid overexertion
  10. Be alert for wildlife, stinging insects and poisonous plants

Have a safe, successful event!