The Village of Oak Park | 123 Madison St.  Oak Park, IL 60302 |

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Housing Programs Advisory Committee

Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 7:00pm
SPECIAL NOTE: The Village President has determined that an in-person meeting is not
practical or prudent due to the COVID-19 outbreak during the Governor’s disaster
proclamation. It is not feasible to have a person present at the regular meeting location
due to public safety concerns related to the COVID19 outbreak during the Governor’s
disaster proclamation. A regular meeting is being conducted remotely with live audio
available and optional video.  The meeting will be available live at and archived online for on-demand viewing
at the following day.  Remote meetings are authorized
pursuant to Section 7(e) of the Illinois Open Meetings Act.
Remote meetings of Oak Park Citizen Commissions are authorized pursuant to Section 6
of Governor J.B. Pritzker's Executive Order 2020-07, with limitations. Governor Pritzker’s
Executive Order allows for remote participation meetings by public bodies, but public
bodies are "encouraged to postpone” meetings and should only hold meetings when
"necessary." Executive Order No. 2020-07 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 5) at Section
6. The Illinois Attorney General issued "Guidance to Public Bodies" regarding the
Governor’s Executive Order on April 9, 2020. In that guidance, the Attorney General
states, "Where a public body does not have critical issues that must be addressed
because time is of the essence, cancelling or postponing public meetings may be prudent
during the COVID-19 outbreak, rather than holding meetings that could pose a risk of
danger to the public." Thus, the test as to whether to hold a meeting is an issue to be
discussed is "critical" that must be addressed immediately.
PUBLIC COMMENTS - Oak Park Citizen Commissions welcome your statement to be
read into the public record at a meeting. Public statements of up to three minutes will be
read into the record during Non-Agenda public comment or Agenda Item public comment,
as an individual designates. Statements will be provided to the Commission Members in
their entirety as a single document. Please follow the instructions for submitting a
statement provided below. Questions regarding public comment may be directed to 708-
358.5672 or email  Individuals are asked to email statements to or to be received no later than 60 minutes prior
to the start of the meeting. If email is not an option, you may drop comments off in the
Oak Park Payment Drop Box across from the entrance to Village Hall, 123 Madison Street,
to be received no later than 5 PM the day of the Committee meeting.
Individuals wanting to present their statement directly to the Committee should e-mail a
request directly to to be received no later than 5 PM the day BEFORE
the Committee meeting. Upon receipt of this request, you will be provided an invitation to
directly access the remote meeting. This public statement will also be limited to three

